
peer comments

http://lubar-han.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/project-1-bioinspired.html  lubar Han
http://rowenagoodall.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/final.html?showComment=1332697927470#!/2012/03/final.html   Rowena Goodall
http://fooides.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/2012-ides2161-project-1-bioinspired.html?showComment=1332695916645     Daniel Foo
http://jacquelinebui3377777.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/project-1-bio-inspired.html?showComment=1332696461611   Jacqueline Bui
http://lizhaozhao3329407.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/seasonings-container.html?showComment=1332698996210   Li zhaozhao

project one--THE DNA

For the project one: bioinspired assignment, I decided to design a storage system for wine. This is a contemporary wine shelf inspired by the concept of DNA in two different ways, boxing sophisticated, organic and stylish in the form of double helix structure. Named  ‘THE DNA’ . It is a place of storage / shelves simple typology but with a twist that defines an important part of your personal identity
In nature DNA is a nucleci acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.DNA consists of two long polymers of simple units called nucleotides, These two strands run in opposite directions to each other and are therefore anti-parallel. In living organisms DNA does not usually exist as a single molecule, but instead as a pair of molecules that are held tightly together. These two long strands entwine like vines, in the shape of a double helix.
This Unique wine shelf with twisting design is an intriguing piece of home decor that could perfectly fits some modern home. Its contemporary look is based on the unique double helix design of our own DNA strands. The concept is that every wine you place on the shelves defines a significant part of your personal identity. I tried to use this DNA concept to designed this wine shelf and also let you know a idea that each DNA has unique different from others, just like every bottle of wine, is unique special. You can also according to your own like to choose the color of DNA wine shelf, and very suitable for high quality life.
The material that this wine shelf going to use is wood and metal. Wood is the most popular medium when it comes to wine shelf construction. It is easily obtainable and very workable. Many types of wood can be used, such as mahogany, pine. Metal is another popular choice for wine shelf. Although it is not as easy to work with as wood, metal pieces tend to be more unique. With metal, more fluid and flowing shapes can be made, which is impossible with wood. Metal can also be painted to match any decor. So for “THE DNA” wine shelf, the top and bottom part is use wood. And the curve part should be use metal, and get paint in different color.


some research

design process

my idea is to make the wine storage shape like DNA(Double Helix). The main function of DNA is long-term storage informations and also to build human personality.  so that I think this can be use to design wine storage.
But I am still not sure, is the DNA can be used as a reference for my bioinspired design or not?

My design concept

inspired by tree
inspired by sea shell

inspired by rattlesnake tail


video reflection--the 11th hour

Human is on the verge of despair. Movie stars leonardo dicaprio as a mirror narrator and producer, make thist environment protection theme film, to shows us that human past conduct that the consequences of and development trend, and more important, told us how to change all that.

The film invited a large number of specialist in interviews, including politicians Gorbachev, scientist Stephen Hawking, all this specialists suggest for us is that all life on earth is situation facing harsh nowdays . One of the most outstanding found is that not only climate anomalies but also the common humanity that leads to face the various problems of the global exploration and in-depth research.

"The greenhouse effect is not only the biggest environmental problem we have to faced, but also one of the most important issues that current human face." Dicaprio performs said, "we must strengthen the understanding of the greenhouse effect, for the future of the planet should implement the sustainable development of environment policy."

The flood, fire, hurricanes, a growing huge waste mountain...... All the pictures make us shocked, urged us to action.

The 11th hour is a knowledge and an inspiring documentary, it causes people to pay attention to the danger of climate change, and call people act at once, curb warming. Although the film revealed cruel fact, but also put forward the countermeasure, to humanity can turn a prospect

As a designer we should let our design more toward the development of environmental protection, we have the knowledge and ability to reduce pollution, we will have a maximum power to improve the world, like we're design of things, can reuse and recycling, so can reduce trash pollution.